Last week my visiting teaching companion and I put together these little
treat bags for our R.S. sisters we visit. My companion, Angela, and I each have a
Cricut, but different cartridges, so it is fun to get together and share. Angela has the cartridge for making the bags, and I have the cartridge for animals, which obviously had the turkey.
Angela's daughter wasn't feeling well that day, and since she stayed home from school she came along with her mom for our creative Monday. I could not get over that girl's enunciation! Especially her 'T's. Her dad is British. He really encourages his children to speak correctly, and boy is it paying off!
Ken and Steven got in a little Thanksgiving football today. I actually checked into tickets for today's
Calgary Stampeders' game, but I found out that for long weekend Monday games and Saskatchewan Rough Rider's games (today's game was both) THEY RAISE THE PRICES!
I know this makes good capitalist sense, but it discouraged me from buying tickets.
So instead Steven learned how to put on his dad's football quarterback *game face*.
I have some good mail to be thankful for today:

Halloween socks from
Marie: Did you know that way-back-when, Marlys and I used to exchange goofy or seasonal socks with each other?
I got a pink envelope in the mail this week. I instantly recognized that it had to be good mail, but I didn't clue in right away that it was my Pink Christmas envelope! Duh! (I am mildly freaking out about taking on this project.)
Ken noticed both the enormity of my Pink Christmas package as well as the enormity of this package from
Michelle: 2 crochet belts, 3 crochet pumpkins, soap, lip balm, bubblegum, a card, and silk autumn maple leaves.
Carmen and Chloe both love their crochet belts, but only Carmen would pose for a picture.
And Kelly, I actually got this card a long, long time ago. It wasn't a victim of international snail mail, just personal snail documentation.
He who thanks but with the lips
Thanks but in part;
The full, the true Thanksgiving
Comes from the heart.
~J.A. Shedd
From my lips & heart: thank you for the good mail, and Happy Thanksgiving!