Anne sent me this monkey notepad which, since I live by my lists, will be put to good use.
And it seems that I have benefited from yet another Creative Friday with this bookmark/thank you card from Michelle. /

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Yesterday I went to a continuing education event that was a day of mini lectures - think Women's Conference type format (I know I'm thinking Women's Conference a-plenty lately). I avoided all tooth related classes and enjoyed some terrific presentations on other health issues. I learned that sleep is not a luxury. I learned that 3 family dinners a week reduce teen drug and alcohol abuse by 50% and 5 family dinners a week leads to good grades. I also learned that stress should be managed, rather than pushed through.
Jaclyn taught our Family Home Evening Lesson last week from the conference address titled Special Experiences in which Elder Ronald A. Rasband teaches that "our personal life experiences become building blocks for our testimonies and add to our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ". All week I've been wanting to reinforce the lesson by pulling out our building blocks and labeling them with experiences the kids can think of that have been building blocks for them in their spiritual lives. I really want to do this before our next FHE, so I guess tomorrow is the day. Which reminds me, Marie, RGLHM, or Megan, I have some family home evening files (aimed at teaching small children) sitting on my front hall closet shelf for whomever stops by to pick them up first.
I missed SPT this week. We were to fill in the photo for the caption:
I struggled with it. It wasn't a good fit for me. Not that I live a regret-free life, but rather that I always know what I was regrettably thinking. I almost had it when I was going through my list and came to an item that read *Fridays 3:30* and I drew a total blank. What did it mean? The s alarmed me because it inferred not just this Friday, but every Friday. It came to me eventually; it always does. And it was boring. But it was all I had, so I snapped this photo tonight. Incidentally, the marker isn't washing off well. What was I thinking?
If the FHE stuff is from your mom, i made copies before she gave it to you and Kelly. Either way, Megan or Marie can have it.
I stopped shopping at MAC about a year ago. I was tired of the wierdness of the store, the overcrowdedness and the unpersonable side of it. I have gone to Aveida since. It's comparable in price and I prefer the make up. It blends better. I am also become more of a naturalist, hippy, enviromentalist, back to the basics kind of girl and Aveida fits that profile.
I went to the drop-in-center for a period of time years ago. It was a great experience. Being on time was a MUST. Food was served on TIME.
I've missed your posts all week, Barb, it was fun to get a recap of your busy week.
Soup center...oh wow. I'm glad you were able to pull it off even if it was embarrassing no one else was prompt. When I took our YW (in another town of course :) they had us do all the cooking. We didn't know what ingredients would be donated that week until we got there, so we couldn't plan ahead, just take a look at what food was available and cook out of it. I can still remember the panicked feeling that it wouldn't be done in time. Your story revived that memory. I felt a scoop of your pain.
That would definitely have been embarrassing to have your girls show up late. But at least you guys didn't have to cook an impromptu meal based on available ingredients like Jane! Yikes!
I've never seen that blush before, but now I'm intrigued. I wear one of their blushes that is almost a non-color, perhaps I need freshening up.
Even when you don't have anything for spt, you still end up doing a better job than me...
Excellent post Barb. The notepad is very cute, and Michelle's card is lovely.
Discontinued make-up irks me. I feel like every time I find something that works for me it disappears!
What in the world? Why were the YW so very late to that activity? I would have been embarrassed about that for sure.
Your continuing education event sounds interesting. I've heard this before about family dinners and really need to make that more of a priority.
I can't believe Women's Conference is coming so soon, it will be great!
Your mini women's conference sounds really fun! And I am sad I'll miss conference and the blog party - but hopefully I can meet you when you come to Montreal!
Yeah for goodmail and too bad about the lateness of the YW. So glad that the service project came together and that they learned something - but I can see why it would be frustrating that they were all so late.
So glad you finally posted!
btw - Those stamps for Anne of Green Gables 100th sound really cool. We are heading up their in June and it would be a neat something to buy to put in my scrapbook!
Such an appropriate notepad, and very cute. That is embarrasing about the girls showing up late. I had that happen for a scouting activity once. I felt terrible that the leader had to explain that the others were coming. You could tell the officer was completely bugged!
Creative SPT as usual. I think alcohol takes pen off of hands (in case you still are supporting the ink) :)
Now - of course - you have me wondering just what Barb does on FridayS at 3:30. It was great to catch up on your week!
DIBS! I speak for the FHE stuff!
I have no idea when we are planning on going to Calgary next, but when we do I will definately come by!
I'm glad things have been good at your place. The blog silence was lonely.
It sounds like your avoidance of tooth-related classes payed off!
It is amazing what the kids can come up with for FHE ideas--so great of you to carry through!
Fun post!
Okay, I admit I was in quite a bit of Barb withdrawal this week. And I just knew that Marie would be jumping up and down for those FHE packets.
Ugh and grr about the YW fiasco. It is such a feat to MOVE that many people along! And I HATE being late to anything!
I'm a "Springsheen" (MAC)girl myself, but I have always admired your cheeks so perhaps I will try your recommendation.
Love your FHE idea and am very curious about this line: "I also learned that stress should be managed, rather than pushed through." I definitely need MORE INFORMATION! What does that MEAN?
I don't enjoy being late. I can't say I'm always on time, but if I'm late, I'm not flippant about it and hope such occurrences are rare. I think tardiness is a sign of selfishness. And that's never flattering.
I've never tried MAC make-up. The women at the counters intimidate me. Will they laugh at my cover girl job? Will they turn me into a raccoon? I'm glad you found a solution to your problem so that your cheeks can shine:)
thanks for the update.
The stress management question:
This particular thought about managing rather than pushing through stress was directed at the optimists in the crowd. The people who think that if they just push through whatever is currently going on/stressing them out, then the stress will disappear. The recommended strategy was to build regular stress relief into your schedule (exercise, prayer/meditation) and to break up the stressful or overwhelming projects into smaller chunks, with opportunities for stress relief alternating with work. The lecturer took it down to a cellular level with the influence of cortisol etc. and at a cellular level even just 60 seconds of deep breathing relieves stress.
Ugh -- too bad about the Drop In Centre experience! Our ward feeds a homeless shelter once every other month, and being on time is definitely mandatory. Sad for you to have to take the harassment for it since you WERE on time. Sometimes things just happen in life -- traffic, whatever, but it's the habitually late that drive me nuts. We have a family in our ward who is 30 minutes late to church (and Activities) every week, no matter what our church time is. At some point, you'd think that a lightbulb would go on, and someone would think, "let's start 30 minutes earlier". Who knows.
Oh, I need new makeup, but I am petrified to try. Pinch O' Peach looks lovely!
Can't wait for real Women's Conference! I'm glad you could avoid all tooth related classes -- it makes it seem less like work that way.
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