Saturday 12 April 2008

Pond Hockey

Tonight we had an end-of-season banquet and awards ceremony for Steven's hockey team. I showed up with a crock pot of bbq beef, and I brought my apron intending to be of more help in the kitchen, but I spent the whole time chatting instead. I'm sure the apron made me look like I was working.
To be honest, I'm not really that interested in sharing about the evening - mostly I'm posting to show off the awesome photo I captured of Steven playing street hockey on the partially melted home ice afterwards. I can't believe I caught his reflection in the puddle - I was the cool mom who let her boy stay until all the other boys had to go, and here is my payoff:
It was good to go to the year end party, especially since Steven didn't play in the final tournament. Towards the end of the season Ken asked Steven hypothetically what he would do *if* the tournament was on a Sunday. Steven said, "Well, then I guess I wouldn't play." The hypothetical question was asked to feel out how unhappy Steven would be about missing the tournament, but the big side benefit was that Steven made his decision in advance. He was, of course, sorry and disappointed when he missed the tournament, but it was nice that he was able to make the decision when he was emotion-free.


Anonymous said...

I love that picture! What a great capture.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

That is an incredible picture, Barb. I love the story that goes with it, too.

Hilary said...

wow! That is an amazing picture! What a good boy you've raised...

nic said...

That is a great picture! And I am so happy when youth make good choices. Well done, Steven.

Ortensia Norton said...

What a pay off! The picture and the decision.

Marie said...

You always get great shots. I love your photos.

I am so proud of Steven for his choice, and that it really was his own. I am bursting with Aunt Pride.

Jill said...

Congrats on capturing such a cool photo of Steven AND for raising a sweet boy who makes good choices even though they're hard!

Courtney said...

what a great photo...I love that you allowed your son to make the decision...and you've taught him well!

Unknown said...

i could learn a few lessons about making emotion-free decisions!

love hockey players!

michelle said...

That photo is amazing!! And what a sweet story about choosing the right. I think each time we make the hard choices it is a little easier the next time, so he is building a great foundation from a young age. Good job!