Tuesday 3 April 2007

Happy Birthday, Ken!

Pear pie with 3 candles for his last birthday in his 30's

Thirty-nine things about Ken:

  1. He love sushi!

  2. He loves spicy food.
  3. He'd rather have a Coke at the end of a meal than a dessert.
  4. He's recently traded in his Coke for Pelligrino's sparkling water and limes.

  5. He's a true family man.

  6. He has eclectic taste in music.

  7. He thinks before he speaks.

  8. He has a great sense of direction.

  9. He likes to cook.

  10. He'll do all the cooking after he retires.

  11. He prefers hot weather to cold - and he thinks you have to pick which temperature you like and complain only against the other.

  12. He works in the oil industry.

  13. He's good at his job.

  14. He served a 2 year mission for our church in Chicago.

  15. He's a MLB fan.

  16. He's named for both his grandfathers - Kenneth Eric.

  17. He loves cars.

  18. He'd like to go to race car driving school.

  19. He loves motorbikes, but doesn't have one (refer to #5).

  20. He likes his steak medium rare.

  21. He has a 3-way tie on his favorite pie - pear, raspberry, and key lime.

  22. He loved his dogs when he was a kid.

  23. He doesn't always love having a dog now.

  24. He's the person who started the monkey joke in our house.

  25. He is clean. Clean.

  26. He has a quick wit.

  27. He reads non-fiction.

  28. He never gets all the sleep he'd like.

  29. He's happy to give up sleep for recreation (playing hockey, skiing, biking).

  30. He has super thick hair.

  31. He has a strong sense of duty.

  32. He likes a freshly cut lawn the way I like a freshly vacuumed floor.

  33. He's a Calgary Flames fan through and through: by definition that means he hates the Edmonton Oilers.

  34. He's a great shot.

  35. He loves mountain biking and road biking.

  36. He likes to travel.

  37. He likes road trips.

  38. For Ken an important element of a holiday is the food. He even remembers holidays from his childhood by where and what he ate.

  39. He's all mine!


Anonymous said...

I loved meeting your husband through your eyes! What a great tribute.

Anonymous said...

A fabulous list of all that is Ken. From my perspective, I would only add that he is hilarious. He has a very intelligent sense of humor -- not silly and goofy. Just truly smart and funny. I can't wait for our get togethers because I know there will always be something classically funny that Ken says that Keith and I will laugh about for months to come.

Happy Birthday Ken!

Elizabeth said...

Pelligrino with lime is our drink of choice over here. What a fun list.

Ortensia Norton said...

That is awesome! Only 5 were news, but not surprises, to me. (water, namesake, racing shcool, pie tie, and hair)I'm sure you all had a wonderful day!

And amen to Kelly.

PS Ken if you are reading, are you embarrassed yet?

Jill said...

This was enjoyable to read, happy birthday to Ken!