When I added
Goody to my link list the other day I got a friendly comment from someone at Goody telling me how awesome I am and thanking me for putting them on my sidebar. I thought, cool, wonder how they knew.

My husband had a more interesting computer tracking experience at work around the same time. Recently he was sitting in the office of the VP of Information Systems and the guy was showing Ken a new monitoring system that tracks all internet usage in the office by individual employee. The VPIS could view each person's internet hits by category. One category was adult/explicit, and when Ken asked to see his own summary, he was surprised to see 2 or 3 hits of adult/explicit sites. Ken was confident that couldn't be right, so he and the VPIS broke it down site by site and realized it was my blog!
It turns out all blogs are lumped together into this category. My G-rated blog? Seriously?
How funny. I will have to let my husband know. I am sure they do this at his work also. I think he hits my blog several times a day because it is his homepage.
Ssurely they will soon have their own category... I hope!!!
you cheeky monkey!!
Oh, that's interesting! First, that someone could contact you because of your sidebar and then to think that our silly blogs are really smut! Who knew!?!
HAHAHA. That is HILARIOUS!! So funny they clump them that way. I think that is strange.
So many ways to track each other. That's a little strange too.
I'm dying laughing here. I'll have to lock the door and close the shades before I check on you next time. :)
How disturbing (and yet funny)! That is just bizarre that those two can be in the same category. I'm glad Ken figured it out -- eeesh.
As far as someone from Goody finding you, typepad always gives me a referring address for visitors (like where they linked from of if they typed it in), so she could have just seen a bunch of visitors coming from you, and then checked you out.
My mom would have other conspiracy theories about that -- but I'm pretty sure that's how it happens.
That is pretty funny. It makes you wonder how many times your blog pops up when someone googles it.
I have been wondering about the elicit material on your blog :). My trend mirco will often block access to blogs, including my own. It cracks me up, but being found out at work is even better. So fun you got a thank you email for the link.
It's me the person who found you. As Kelly said, it's because on typepad you can see the referring address. So I like to check out where people are coming from (we've had people come from some pretty weird places, let me tell you!)
it always weirds me out when someone googles something and lands on my blog. I am a freak and kind of like to "know" who is commenting.
You'd better watch it. You're gonna get that boy in trou-ble with all your adult talk.
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