We had science fair this week. Jaclyn did an experiment on candles to determine if color influences how quickly a candle burns. She tied for 1st place in the physical sciences category at her school, and next week she'll go to regionals.
She used tar paper to black out her display board (told you that stuff is versatile) and then to go along with the colorful experiment she'd done, she used rainbow letters and rainbow bulletin board trim to decorate. The colors were repeated in her graphs, so the whole thing looked great.

8 Here's where this post gets more interesting for non-grandparents. Jaclyn had 2 strips of rainbow bulletin board trim left over after she was done putting together her science fair display. They were just laying around, getting in my way yesterday, this close to hitting the recycling bin. Carmen and Chloe were both home (sick) or I might not have come up with a fun way to use up the last two strips. Rainbow crowns! How obvious. How I wish I'd thought of this earlier in my birthday party hats / school class party crowns stage of life, like 10 years ago.

two sick little girls trying to smile for a picture
The possibilities are as big as the bulletin board section of your nearest teacher store. 1 week too late.
Swimming pool party.
My next birthday party.
So pretty.
Who doesn't love a zebra stripe?
Sad your little girls are sick! The crown idea was brilliant, and certainly helped a sick day seem a little more enchanting.
Very cool science project for Jaclyn.
That is one HUGE display board! Fun going to regionals ;)
I too have a Chloe. She is 12 and won the 6th grade science fair last year -thanx to her aunt Lisa (price cream parlor) giving her the experiment idea! "Which nut will burn energy to heat water", something like that ;)
Great idea for the crowns! cute pix too. -ciao
What a great idea for fun party crowns. Ones for every season also. I will be using this one for sure. Congrats on the science win!
one of my littles did the exact same science experiment a few years ago! We LOVE doing the science fair each year! Your science board is HUGE!!! Such a clever idea for the new crowns! - congrats on going to regionals!
the little sick face on the right (or is it left?!) is killing me...trying to so hard to smile.
Yahoo for Jaclyn! I haven't even congratulated her yet.
Love those crowns.
I have a love hate relationship with teacher stores. I prefer them as a parent and not as a teacher. I feel ripped off as a teacher. I feel like the toys for kids are great but the price they sell 'sheets of paper' is appauling!
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