One thing that makes parenting easy in this house is good report cards. Our kids make a good effort at school on a consistent basis, and we are happy to celebrate it. After the last report cards came home, Ken told the kids that we would make a special dinner for them - anything they wanted. Naturally, they all wanted different things. There was a heated discussion among the kids about seafood chowder and biscuits - someone really wanted it, and someone really didn't. Chloe came up with the idea of doing a buffet of all the ideas, and that's what we did tonight.

Jaclyn was pretty happy with steak and sushi, so she rounded out the meal by asking for steamed broccoli and mashed potatoes with the skins mashed in.
Chloe was very in to the whole buffet idea. She decided we needed sculptures for the buffet, so she made a few with empty pop bottles, and we also placed our bust of Mozart on the kitchen island. When we were done cooking, Chloe pronounced the buffet open on her toy microphone.
A side benefit of our buffet dinner tonight was that Ken got to resolve his question: Does he like sushi or steak better? He's never had them together in the same meal before, but now he knows - sushi is the winner. He also discovered that he likes broccoli dipped in wasabi soy sauce. It got a little weird after that: hot dog dipped in wasabi is exactly the reason that an all you can eat buffet can be a bad idea.
What a fun night. When I was growing up we would have a special family home evening every once in a while. We were all given a small amount of money and let loose in the grocery store to buy one thing for dinner. We kept it a surprise till we got home and put it all together for a meal. It was so fun for us as kids.
What a great way to reward them for a job well done.
What a cute idea for celebrating good grades. That's quite the buffet and is making me hungry.
what a cool way to celebrate. I really need to try sushi. It's so pretty, I just need to be a big girl and try it.
The hotdog and wasabi thing was funny. I have tried wasabi, but would probably, no never, pair it with a hotdog. :)
Barb, what a great night. You should get an A+++ for the whole thing! I love the sculptures and the Mozart bust. We do an "everybody picks your favorite" food on Christmas Eve and the combinations never match, either, but it's sure fun to see what people pick.
I am so impressed with your pictures and idea.
Aaron loves Sushi. Never tried it myself though. Did you make the Sushi yourself?
What a fun night! :)
What a fun idea and a great way to spend time together and celebrate each others accomplishments! I love it!
This is a fun idea! I love Chloe's input with the sculptures and microphone. I can't quite imagine hot dogs and wasabi -- and I'm not going to try very hard either.
That so reminded me of Junk Food night growing up. Except for the steak, sushi and veggies:-) Chloe's control of the situation had me LOL. She is a hoot!
Barb - Love the Mozart bust in the midst of such a feast! Great idea! It's such a great way to honor your kids and let everyone get in the action of celebrating.
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