Saturday 28 July 2012

July 10 - Happy 11th Birthday Chloe!

We work up the morning of the 10th, packed up,

Swung by *our* bakery for some macaroons for the road,

As well as almond croissants (and what have you) for breakfast, 
and dashed off to the train station.

Chloe didn't get a chance to open her birthday present until we were on the train.

It was an iPod touch. We figured it was a good present because it was small to pack and also we preloaded it with games, music and a movie to make our long travel day more fun.

Pringles can keep a kid entertained for only so long, after all.

We took the train from Paris to London, really stretched our legs walking to the car rental, loaded up a Volkswagon Sharan, and drove to Wales. We arrived at our bed and breakfast (College Guest House in Havorfordwest) around 8pm, found an indian restaurant open on a weeknight in this small town, and called it a day. 
And that's why we celebrated Chloe's birthday the night before!

1 comment:

Jill said...

That seems like a very memorable birthday for Chloe! Oh, almond croissants, I yearn!