Tuesday 15 January 2008

SPT: Eye Spy

I spy with my little eye something that is black!

Can you tell what it is? What do I zoom in on when I look at my own appearance, my family, or my house?
Dog hair. And it is a problem that is worse than usual at this time of year. The humidity is low and the static electricity is high, and dog hair is clinging to everything! I vacuum daily, clean like crazy, but still. Dog hair everywhere! The last time I made a meal for someone else I washed every preparation dish by hand before I started cooking just to be sure the meal wouldn't hold any unwanted surprises. Have I grossed you out completely? Are you having second thoughts about getting a house pet of your own?

I like my dog much better in the summer and outside!


Jill said...

I didn't realize you even had a dog. I'm officially grossed out, but take comfort in your awareness of the problem and efforts to do something about it.

Humphreys Family said...

Hahahaha! I knew exactly what it was immediately, as Flex's brother is equally 'sheddy' - if not more so. Nothing seems to get rid of it. And Yes, you've made me think twice about getting a house pet of my own......want a second dog???

Marie said...


The vacuuming is the only thing holding me back from a 'real' pet (Our fish don't count). Daily vacuuming would not make me a happy mom.

Becky said...

Barb, we have a black Lab and I HATE the dog hair! By what can we do (other than get rid of the dog which is, of course, not an option since she is a part of the family!).

Fun post and great picture :)

michelle said...

Oh yeah -- we have a chocolate lab and I am sicked out by the amount of dog hair everywhere as well! We have found what we unaffectionately call "Jack hairs" in the darnedest places, including my hospital bed! Eva cries multiple times a day because she gets them in her mouth. ew! If I had only known...

April said...

Oh my...my daughter Olivia has been on a campaign for a dog since before Christmas...notes everywhere!! I have serious allergies but this has not deterred her. Your post is helping me hold my ground. We are trying the adopt-a-pet program around here...she walks the neighbor's dog every day. Perfect arrangement I think.

Ortensia Norton said...

No, it is making me stick to my first thoughts about a house pet.

Denise said...

We're pet-free at the moment, and I want to keep it that way. I've scooped too many dead fish, cleaned too many litter boxes, taken too many neighbor complaints. I already have four small creatures to feed and clean up after.

Even so, one tiny part of me hankers for a golden retriever. Hair and all.

Lucy said...

We had a dog for a year and one of the reasons we found a better home for her was I couldn't handle the hair. You have to be an exquisite housekeeper to have one, in my opinion, and it sounds like you are.

Great interpretation, though. I like how you think.

Mandy said...

Your dog looks like my Hank. Hank sheds a ton and I am thankful he is an outside puppy, although I feel bad a lot of the time that he has to be outside. He's just too big and clumsy to be an inside dog.

Katie A. said...

Yes, we have the same problem at our house. How does dog hair get into the fridge, I ask you??

jenny said...

I think this is why our lab is OUTSIDE. It totally sicks me out. That may be a mean thing, but he is a dog afterall. We let him inside his cage at night to sleep and when the sun comes out, out he goes again!

Anonymous said...

One of Lily's redeeming qualities is not so much shedding. She has other issues though. She's been driving me up a tree lately, and it doesn't help that she smells so bad. We can't figure out where the smell comes from, but it's not good!

The Monkeys said...

exactly why we have decided to compromise and get a hair, not fur dog. At least you have a place to let her run during the warmer months, though! Townhouses are such a pain- how I wish I had a regular home, again!
The fact that you are so conscious of it, makes me think I wouldn't be worried about eating things from your house!

Anonymous said...

yikes! We just got a puppy for christmas,to late for second thoughts here!

Unknown said...

oh, this is one of the many reasons i don't want a dog at this stage of my life!

Michelle Alley said...

We have two dauchsunds that just drive us crazy with tiny little dog hairs if they sit on you. You pointed out however, the very reason why I don't like big dogs inside!

Tiffany said...

A friend of Kelly's stopping in to say hi! I love your beautiful blog--fun photos and stories. And your dog--I guess I've never been around one long enough to know the lovely side-effects of dog ownership! Good luck...

Elizabeth said...

Oh that is no fun. I will remember that when my kids start begging for a dog. Actually I am safe because Kalani is allergic.

The Monkeys said...

Just had to let you know that I added you to my strangers whose blogs I read column. You and I could get along, I think!