Saturday 14 April 2007

Practise makes Permanent

I was reading on Michelle's blog about the sticker chart she made for her girls, and it brought back a vivid childhood memory of having a sticker chart myself. I remember coloring a picture on the page and having 7 squares on the bottom of the page for my stickers. I don't know what I was supposed to do for a week, but I remember being so proud of my sticker chart.

I don't think I've ever done a sticker chart with my kids, which is strange considering what a positive memory I have of my own. I do have this picture, and if you click here it will open full size for you to print. Or not, I just tried it, and the image is too big. What did work, was I right-clicked the larger image to copy it, pasted it in a word document, and that sized it down to an 8 1/2 x 11. Try that. I've used it when working on difficult piano pieces with my kids. There are 50 faces waiting to have a smiley face drawn in to celebrate a success:

A piano teacher of mine once told me, "Practise doesn't make perfect, practise makes permanent!" It was a good message, much like this:

Who Am I?

I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command. Half the things you do might just as well be turned over to me and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly. I am easily managed — you must merely be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few lessons I will do it automatically. I am the servant of all great people and, alas, of all failures as well. Those who are great, I have made great. Those who are failures, I have made failures. I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine plus the intelligence of a person. You may run me for profit or run me for ruin. It makes no difference to me. Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will destroy you. Who am I? I am Habit!
Author unknown

A habit I've been struggling to establish this year is practising the piano with my kids. I teach the younger 3 myself, and it is quite a challenge to be the teacher and the mom. I have no one to report to on my practising with my kids but me, and I haven't been disciplined with it. I"ve decided I need my own reward system, not so different from a sticker chart. After all, real piano teachers get paid for their work.

I have a Cricut machine, and I'd love more fonts and shapes cartridges, but the $90 is hard to part with. I've decided I'll pay myself a dollar towards a new cartridge every time a child practises the piano. I haven't made myself a chart, I'm just keeping a tally in my planner, but it is definitely working. We have had much more consistent piano practising around here since I came up with this idea. Carmen is very puzzled at how can I pay myself, and I can't seem to explain it to her, but she'll probably understand someday. Maybe when she's teaching her own kids piano.


Anonymous said...

I love those faces, Barb. Thanks for making it so we can print them. I also love the idea of rewarding yourself something tangible like that.

A cricut?! Oh happy girl. Those are wonderful, aren't they? One of my friends has one. And I love the stuff it can do.

Mandy said...

I really wanted to get a cricut but also had trouble with how much the different fonts cost. I will still get one in the future, I just need to deal with the cost issues.

We also had charts while we were growing up. We would get stars if we got our chores done, etc. I remember it being very exciting at the time.

I love your print out that you made. Too cute!

Anonymous said...

I have heard (haven't checked it out for myself) that Cricut cartridges are $50 at WalMart. May be worth checking out, and nearly double your pay day. It's a great idea to pay yourself. I have a Cricut and just barely figured out how to use it, so I haven't indulged in any new cartridges for it.

I like the faces chart. I'm thinking I could put that to great use with Avery's cello.

Barb said...

Kelly: Once more, the shopping south of the border is so much better than here. The cartridges at my Walmart are $90 - no better price than Michaels. Cricut products are definately on my American summer road trip shopping list.

Michelle Alley said...

Barb - wow - what a priceless tool for teaching children the value of practice. Using the smiling faces - brilliant!

I've been teaching the girls but not on a consistant bases. You've inspired me to give more of a scheduled go at it. Thanks Barb!

Elizabeth said...

I think it's great you pay yourself. I will have to think of something I should pay myself for doing. Housework would be a good motivation.
I love that face chart. My daughter does well with sticker charts but I always forget to buy stickers and stay consistent. This would be so simple and she would love it.

melanie said...

Barb, I love the face chart. We have some things that the kids want to earn this year and part of it is with happy faces all day long. This is perfect, thanks for posting it.

With that much of a price difference I would have a long list of things to shop for south of the border. Your reward system is great!

Ortensia Norton said...

I have got to see this cricut. I've only heard about it through your dad so I have a vauge idea what it is.
I love that habit riddle. Another thing to print and tape to my forehead. And Practice Makes Permanent is a great line...I have rarely become (ok, never) perfect after developing a strong habit.
BTW I LOVE staples and any other kind of office supply stores. It's a little crazy.

Price Cream Parlor said...

I love the faces! Great idea! I would love a cricut!! FUN!

Unknown said...

having taught piano lessons (both the "paid for" and "not paid for" variety,) i think you've struck upon a great way to reward YOURSELF!

i'd never even heard of cricut. i'll have to check it out!

Amy said...

I love the faces & thank you, thank you for making them accessible!

annalisa said...

I should try this with Alexis' ballet and I'm not even her teacher. I just hate the nagging. I want to teach her piano too, but I don't know it well enough to be the teacher. Maybe I'll bring her by your house and you can earn more Cricket money. It's not that far drive right? With that commute there would be no time for practicing.

annalisa said...

Oh and you know I meant Cricut right? I really should proofread before I press publish.

carlo said...

so interesting! your experience sticks with you, doesn't it?

we do the sticker charts for various things (cleaning bedroom = sleepover, etc) but i haven't done one for myself. perhaps that could help me along-- if i do my chores i get X. hmmm! you may be onto something barb!! :)