Thursday, 27 March 2014


(That's what I've been calling it.)

Last spring Chloe got a little pink bubble on the inner corner of her right eye. Since then, it grew and grew. I had a couple of optometrists look at it, and they both said to leave it alone. But it grew more. And it started to bother Chloe - like she could feel it when she blinked. So I took her to an ophthalmologist, not to ask what he would recommend, but to ask him to take it off. Which he did.

Chloe was a champ. The doctor literally stuck a needle in her eye, and she was brave and calm through the whole (short) surgery. She was feeling so good that she wanted to school in the afternoon, but I knew that the anaesthetic was still working, and that she might not feel so well when it came out. Sure enough, after Five Guys and Marble Slab, her eye was bothering her and she willingly came home.

Her eye is red and itchy, but healing well. Hooray for modern medicine!

1 comment:

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Oh man. I hope Chloe's eye feels completely better soon.

(I still think of that darling picture of her showing the button covers.)