Thursday 29 August 2013

The reason women don't know how to change a flat tire

The day before we left for a little road trip last week, I was out running errands. I stopped at a red light on the way home - and then just after I pulled through the intersection, suddenly I heard a dramatic rubbing sound from the front passenger side of the van. I pulled over IMMEDIATELY and found this:

Of course, the first thing I did was call Ken. Who didn't answer. The second thing I did was text Ken. No response. So I called him again and left him a message and told him my plan: I'm carrying the perishable groceries 2 km home.

The thing was, besides the perishable groceries on a hot day, I was wearing a skirt and impractical shoes - I was not dressed to change a tire (never mind I'd never done it).

Anyhow, I went home, put away the groceries, changed my clothes, packed a little bag, watched a YouTube instructional video, and got on my bike to head back to the van. I was feeling confident I could do this. Naturally, as soon as I started pulling my spare out of the van, Maurice stopped and offered to help. He got it changed in about 5 minutes flat, I don't know, probably less. It was impressive, that's all I'm trying to say.

I drove home, called up the tire shop we usually use, and got an emergency appointment for that evening, all before Ken called me back. Good thing we have cell phones so that we can get ahold of each other in emergencies!


Jill said...

I love it that you watched a You Tube video on how to do it and then biked back!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

What a funny post Barb.

I love the image of every step of it.

I agree. Phones are so useful in an emergency ;0)