I was going to try to write a post this afternoon, but blogging got bumped by napping. Blogging's been bumped by a lot of things lately.
Like trying to decide if I should buy myself a second copy of my current favorite t-shirt so that when my belt wears a hole in the one I have now, I'll have another one. It's a blue baseball shirt with navy blue sleeves. No photo today, but I'm sure I'll get a photo of it sooner or later. Especially if I buy another one.
Or on Tuesday how I spent the afternoon doing ironing, mending, and alterations. I bought this really cute girls' dress that was on clearance at Winners, but it was size 16. I managed to take it apart and cut it down to fit Carmen. I'm so proud of myself.
I've been working more. We're short-staffed right now and I keep getting sucked into taking on extra days. (I'm trying not to complain about it too much considering the economy.) My general attitude when I agree to extra work days is that I'm doing my office a huge favor - then I remind myself that they are paying me.
Jaclyn had an opportunity to accompany a friend of her's in a music festival. Maddi competed in a solo vocal class and was awarded a 90. The adjudicator took the time to praise the use of a pianist rather than recorded accompaniment, which was nice for Jaclyn to get some recognition on the side, considering it wasn't about her. Maddi expressed her appreciation with a $50 i-tunes gift card which I'm betting has been completely redeemed by now.
Steven finished school badminton season. He and his doubles partner, Mitchell, made it to quarterfinals for their division which Steven was mildly disappointed to lose. Worse yet was that with badminton over he was once again without a sport. The boy needs exercise, competition, and male companionship. He needs sports. So we bought him a junior membership at the golf course near our home and now he can walk over whenever he wants, which judging from this week should be all the time.
Carmen and Chloe's choir has pretty much wrapped up for the year. They had their final rehearsal last week (followed by a celebratory trip to
The Chocolate Bar) and their final concert for the year was tonight. Carmen is so serious and sincere about her choir performances. Chloe is such a clown. I tried to make a quick get-away after the concert but I still had someone catch up to me as I was pulling out of the parking lot who wanted to comment on Chloe's antics. I was secretly hoping I was the only one who noticed Chloe's facial expressions because everyone else was busy watching their own child. Guess not.
lOn the field Chloe's enthusiasm is her greatest asset. She's happy to be on the blue team again! Last year they were the Blue Rock Stars. This year they are the Bluebirds.
And finally, I just want to say how great it is to have big kids. Ken went on an 80 kilometer bike ride on Saturday while Jaclyn did this:
She got the grass in the backyard all raked and bagged! My Grandpa N used to say something about kids growing up just to where they're useful, and then they move away. Actually in the case of girls I think he said something about a 'long face' coming along and taking them away.