Tuesday 20 May 2008

SPT: Teacher Appreciation Project 2008

Last night as I was making dinner Ken phoned me from his car and asked if I wanted him to pick up some Chinese food. I, of course, said yes, and packed up my dinner preparations.
Today, with dinner taken care of, I got in a couple of hours on my blog publishing project. I have tried Blurb, but I haven't been totally happy with the *slurp* or the Blurb templates, so I'm copying each post to Microsoft word and I'm going to print it from there. I think the final result will turn out looking more like my blog format which I hope I'll like in the end.

At 2:30 I went to the school to unload the geraniums that my dad (and Carmen) grew to give the staff at our school appreciation lunch we are holding tomorrow.

I borrowed some help from 3rd grade, and the kids unloaded my van in about 5 minutes.

Tomorrow Carmen is going to present the plants to the staff. She's going to say:
"My grandpa and I grew these geraniums for you to thank you for all of your hard work. My grandpa hopes the plants will help Jaclyn, Steven, Chloe and Me pass this year."
My dad has totally been teasing my kids that he is trying to help them get promoted to the next grade at school in the fall, and I'm sure the teachers will think that is funny.
After all the geraniums were stowed away in the school I had half an hour till dismissal, so I hurried home and vacuumed out the back of the van.
While I was vacuuming I tossed a dozen frozen cookie balls in the oven for after school snack. I know this isn't a new idea, but I have to say how much I love having frozen cookie dough. I use my small cookie scoop and fill a tray with cookie balls, freeze them on the tray, and then transfer them to Ziploc bags after they're frozen. When we want some cookies we space a few out on a cookie sheet, and by the time the oven has preheated the cookies have defrosted enough that they require no additional baking time. I just love always having fresh baked cookies.


Dacia said...

What a great idea with the cookies. I've always rolled the dough in a bar and froze it that way, but I'll have to "borrow" your idea about freezing them in balls.

Michelle Alley said...

The whole idea of taking that much time to grow and nurture those flowers is a great homage to the teachers who will be receiving them. It's such a nice thing to do! I hear you about frozen cookie dough - love it!

Amanda said...

They will truly appreciate those beautiful flowers! What a thoughtful gift for the teachers.

I love your new scoop! I use a scoop as well, but it's much smaller...the bigger size looks much more appetizing. I will have to try freezing them once they are scooped. Excellent time saving technique!

Bren's Life said...

That is so cool that they grew the flowers themselves....

Lindsay said...

In our house, the cookie dough would never make it from the freezer to the oven. We love eating the dough too much! Then again, that makes a good snack too so perhaps I will have to give this a try again.

Hilary said...

What gorgeous flowers... and so neat that they are grown by your Dad! We love cookie dough balls too.... mmmm...

Lucy said...

Wow, it's teacher appreciation time again. Seth's teacher had a baby and is done for the year. Does that make me exempt? Probably not. I should do something for the kind-hearted substitute. Thank goodness for blogs for ideas and reminders:) your appreciation gifts look appropriate and thoughtful.

Lene said...

That is an incredible amount of dedication to actually grow the flowers for the gifts. You kids should totally pass this year!

I love freezing cookie dough. Plus sometimes when the kids are already in bed and I need a little treat I can just make a few for me.

Laurie said...

I am SO impressed! With both the geraniums and the cookie idea. I've never heard of that!

Cecilia said...

I love the geraniums, your kids will pass for sure after all that hard work....LOL

The cookie dough idea is fantastic! I'll have to try that next time.

annalisa said...

Well at least you're getting good use out of your mother's day present :). I wish I would plan ahead in the cookie-making department. What a great idea.
So what do you do for the school that you are in charge of the appreciation lunch, or at least the gift for it? I knew you were involved in your kids' school, but I didn't realize you were that involved. I love all the green behind you in your spt shot. It makes he happy for spring.
So how's Eclipse going? I have to tell you, it's not my favorite in the series. Twilight is by far the best, but I thought Eclipse was a little too contrived. Anyway, I just can't wait for the movie.

Katie A. said...

Those geraniums are beautiful! What a great idea for an appreciation gift. And I laughed at Carmen's speech plans. I'm sure the teachers will love it.

What? No ice cream scoop-sized cookie balls yet?

Elizabeth said...

I always toss big hunks of cookie dough into the freezer. I need to pick up an ice cream scoop.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Your spt is so pretty, Barb. You are so photogenic. I loved reading this post and seeing the shape of the geraniums (I remember the post on them planting them) and the shout-out for frozen cookie dough. I've never done that much and really ought to start.

michelle said...

You ARE so photogenic! I love the picture of you with all the plants behind you. That was some serious planning ahead to grow the geraniums for the teachers. And I've never thought of freezing cookie dough balls -- I'm going to do that.

jenny said...

Just look at the possibilities you have with the new scoop! What a great idea. I know exactly what you mean about blurb. I did order 6 months of mine but it took me seriously 3 full days just to cut and paste it the way I like it. Good luck!

Tiffany said...

I had thought about doing a blurb book--I guess I need to play around with things.

The flowers are amazing! What a great dad!

I do not like stale cookies (i.e. anything older than a day) either--but I usually bake them and then freeze. I should try the frozen cookie dough idea--my husband loves the cookies hot out of the oven (who doesn't?)!

Marie said...

I just picked up my plants from Dad's grow op last night. Today was supposed to be the day I planted them, but we've had rain all day.

You made me go bake cookies.

April said...

Love that cookie idea. I've always said you were brilliant.

Holly said...

Your dad plotting to get them promoted is so funny. Never underestimate the power of a home-grown geraniaum.

I've tried blurb to make a small book about one event, but not my blog--though I've wanted to turn it into a book somehow. Good luck with your project.

I never thought about freezing cookie dough like that. Must try.

Mandy said...

great idea with the cookie dough!

Anonymous said...

Love what Carmen has planned to say! It should get a big laugh. Never thought to freeze the cookie dough. What a great Idea! Going to give it a try!

Anonymous said...

Love what Carmen has planned to say! It should get a big laugh. Never thought to freeze the cookie dough. What a great Idea! Going to give it a try!

Amy said...

I can't believe the thought & foresight you put into those teacher appreciation gifts. So wonderful. For me that kind of thing is all-too-often a last-minute run to the store.

I have frozen cookie dough in rolls before, but love the idea of the scoops. Brilliant!

sista # 2 said...

Awesome teacher gift! So thoughtful
to even have 'home grown' them :)

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of your giant new scoop, too, when I read the cookie dough part.

Your dad's grow op has got to be looking pretty empty these days! I'm amazed at how big the geraniums are. It's a great idea!