Thursday, 29 May 2008

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Most people believe the Headless Horseman got him. . .
Do you?
Jaclyn was assigned a terrific part in the school play this year. She played Mrs. Trenkler, an aunt to Katrina Van Tassel of Sleepy Hollow. As a visitor to the town, Mrs. Trenkler both participates as the story unfolds and narrates her observations to the audience at the opening and closing of the play. The part suited Jaclyn perfectly.

I volunteered to sew costumes for the play a couple of months ago, and then I volunteered Jaclyn to sew her own costume. She wasn't super happy about that, and when she first attacked the project it was miserable for both of us, but at least I had the conviction that sewing her own costume was good for her (a vision she lacked).
Once the cutting-out was done we both started having fun, and Jaclyn won the admiration of her friends in the play when they found out that she had sewn her own costume. She was also rewarded with extra recognition in the program by having her name additionally listed in the "Costume Crew"..

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow was another 'last' for Jaclyn in this school.


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Whoa. That is incredible, Barb. You both deserve huge kuddos.

Jill said...

I'm very impressed with the sewing, both that you could do it and that you had her do it!

Marie said...

Horay, Jaclyn! I am sure you did a great job on the play. I wish I could have seen it. Your costume looks great too.

I agree,the worst part of sewing anything is cutting out. No question.

And to Barb - you know making her sew her own costume is exactly something Mom would have done. I can almost remember this happening even though it didn't.

Kelly said...

Holy Cow that is impressive! Sewing and piano are the two talents I wish I hadn't balked at when my mom was pushing me. Why oh why did I resist?

And Jaclyn has both down pat. Keep up the good work Jaclyn, you are one lucky girl. And your mom is pretty cool too!

April said...

I'm pretty sure there is nothing Jaclyn can't do...wonder where she gets that?

Amy said...

I was just going to say "is there anything you can't do?"...then saw Ap's comment. Amen! Jaclyn looks fantastic.

jenny said...

I too am impressed with your skills. That is one thing I have never learned to do. The costume looks fantastic!

michelle said...

The costume turned out so great! It's good that you had the vision to have Jaclyn make her costume, I'm sure it was a lot more work for you that way than doing it yourself, but that's a great accomplishment for her.

Unknown said...

she looks great - and i bet she was wonderful in the show! (i was not surprised to hear that this was stressful at the beginning... so glad you both stuck it out!)

Michelle Alley said...

That is so neat Barb! Jaclyn did a great job on her costume and yeah for you for supporting and helping her - I'm also glad to hear that although it started rought, it got better as it went along.

Katie A. said...

I am so impressed! Her costume looks great. And the set on stage is creepy. Love it!

Tiffany said...

What a beautiful costume--good for both of you! Jaclyn has really had some neat plays at her school--what a great experience!

Laurie said...

That is totally impressive!