Monday 26 January 2015

Steven's going on a mission!

I couldn't be more proud of Steven for his decision to serve for 2 years as an LDS missionary. The mail was a couple of days slower with the call than we expected and it was a long 2 days!

He phoned us right after completely excited about where he's going to serve, and I know the Lord has a mission for him to do there.

BYU Friends

Steven was surrounded by friends as he opened his call, but strangely his sister wasn't there . . .


Marie said...

That video was awesome.

Anonymous said...

That was awesome to watch! He will be amazing.

Kelly said...

This was the best mission call video I've seen. He was so cute!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

This is exciting! Good for him.

Ortensia Norton said...

What a fun tradition! Standing on that table is hilarious!