Our family owns 22 helmets. I didn't grow up with helmets and I have no idea of what would be considered normal for a family of 4 kids, but 22 seems high to me. Either we are very very safe or we are very very risky.
5 bike helmets (the floral helmet is by a company called "Nut Case" - Ha!) and 1 horse riding helmet
3 full face bike helmets, 5 standard bike helmets & 1 dirtbike helmet
2 hockey helmets
5 ski helmets and 1 blank spot
Ken got his ski helmet for his birthday this year from Chloe, who I'm sure will take care of me at my next birthday, but right now I'm the only one in the family that doesn't have a ski helmet. In fact, I don't think any of the helmets in this house belong to me. What does that say? Is it the more helmets you own the more safety concious you are, or is it the fewer helmets you own the less of a risk taker you are?
oh my goodness...are you seriously that organized? I figured those must be stock photos of a sporting goods store, but then...no...this must be real barb-land. I'm seriously impressed. We've ran over two helmets this year alone!
I owned a bike helmet (one of the casualties...which was fine because I ride a bike about once every five years) and my kids do and Jay has a snowboarding one. That's it. I'm glad your noggins are all safe because if your kids take after you, they'll need those brains for entertaining and leadership later on!:)
Wow! What a great thing to document. My awe is similar to Lucy's. She said it all perfectly.
Wow, helmet organization! It's beautiful! The amount of helmets is crazy, but pretty important.
I was at the doctor's office the other day with my son and there was a young adult woman with a walker. A little kid asked her why and she told him she fell off her skate board and had a skull fracture. 7 weeks in the hospital, now having to learn even the basics over again.
Every single mother in the room turned to their child and said "Did you hear that?" Sad lesson to learn. I think you guys are on the right track.
oh my goodness, I think we own 2 helmets...and i have not even tried mine since we bought it....wow...you are very organized wow..that is good.
I would call it a tie between the two views: Adventurous, but safe. I love the organization. I was sure you had taken the photos in a store.
Congratulations to Jaclyn! What an honor. And a very cool theory on the javelin.
You're the helmet queen! I love how organized they are! I think we only own 2 bike helmets! (Tiago and James) We really neeed to get myself and Tiffany one this summer!
I'm right between awe and throwing up. I seriously cannot believe your helmet hooks. I may go take a picture of our helmets scattered around the yard, covered in spiders and dead leaves.
My life looks sadly helter skelter in the light of all this gorgeous organization and order.
I am floored at how nice you have them all hanging. It looks like you took a picture from a helmet store! I guess you could almost go into your own business with that many though..
Oh you guys, my house is not universally this organized. We just bought the helmet hooks - that's how I happened to count up the helmets!
Wow, that is seriously a lot of helmets! I agree that it is a tie between adventurous and safe. We each have a bike helmet and that's it!
Having seen Barb's house in person -- she *is* this organized. It's not an illusion.
I think we have 3 helmets. And one of them is Hello Kitty. There is a vast difference in our worlds! I'm truly amazed by your helmet collection.
I am seconding Kelly. Barb is lying here. Her whole house looks like that.
I cannot believe you have that many helmets. And that your kids wear them skiing. That would not have occured to me.
We all have bike helmets, so that is five, and they are hangning in our storage room, by their chin straps, on nails pounded into a 2x4. Not quite the same look as yours.
I only have two helmets, Carmen has three, and Chloe also has two. If mom has none, then obviously Steven and Dad have the vast majority of the helmets...
Wow. I'm going with you are less of a risk taker. I think I own a bike helmet (it may be Brett's), but my garage is not nearly that organized. I wish it were, but when it's not my terrain, I have to let him organize it in the messy way that makes sense to him.
I too thought those were stock photos or one from a store. I am way impressed. That definitely puts our 3 helmets to shame!
Wow! I am impressed. I don't know why it is such a pain to have to buy helmets, force kids to wear them, and keep track of them--when of course they are so needed.
I love your organization--the right tool for the right problem!
The comments on this post are killing me. Especially April's "awe" or "throwing up" options. Ha! That IS a whole lot of helmitage.
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